Grimder gay men movies

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I give it one extra star cause I do like bad B movies feel. I think with proper sound and music this film would have come much better off, at least decent.

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There are even scenes where the music is so center stage that you can hardly understand what the characters are saying and this goes on for a couple of minutes. It's the same type of music which sounds made at home with a basic tool for all types of scenes and often starting in one scene to suddenly stop at some point on a later scene. Apart from being bad and cheesy, it has no connection to what you're seeing on screen. There's absolutely no ambient sound which adds up to the I filmed it in my living room feel. It doesn't matter if a character moves around or distance or if there's music score on top, the voices are always at the same level making the actors seem much worse than they actually are. The sound is completely flat throughout the film. But the audio made this film feel just terrible. The story is good, the cinematography was nice, the editing was OK, the acting was so so.

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This film should be a must in every filmmakers studies as to in how many ways the audible part of a film can ruin all that's been photographed.

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